

What is beef grading?

Beef is ranked as A, B or C concerning its yield, and from 5 to 1 concerning the meat quality and especially its marbling. Combining those two factors, you get grades like A5, B3 etc.

About the beef yield grading

The classification of the beef’s yield, taken from certain parts of the cattle’s body is graded like this:
A: the meat yield is above standard
B: the meat yield is average
C: the meat yield is below average

Briefly speaking, beef yield grading measures the proportion between the cattle’s weight and the obtained meat.

Meat quality grades and the BMS

The so called beef marbling standard (BMS) measures a number of fat strips in the meat and reaches from 12 (highest level of marbling) to 1 (lowest level of marbling). A5 wagyu beef

As shown below, a BMS of 1 is equal to a meat quality grade of 1, a BMS of 2 is equal to 2, BMS from 3-4 is equal to meat quality grade 3, a BMS from 5 to 7 is equal to meat quality grade 4 and a BMS from 8 to 12 is equal to level 5.

So if the meat yield is graded an A (a lot of meat can be obtained), and the BMS is somewhere between 8 and 12, the Wagyu beef would be ranked as A5.So if the meat yield is graded an A (a lot of meat can be obtained), and the BMS is somewhere between 8 and 12, the Wagyu beef would be ranked as A5.Of course, A5 can easily be recognized through its unique texture. Anyhow, there are certain points to be aware of:

  • Even if the beef is graded as A5, the BMS still reaches from 8 to 12 (in high-class steakhouses BMS 11 may be lined up)
  • Since there is no designation of the beef’s origin, it might not be originated from so called brand-cows (brand-cows are often raised above certain quality standards, in certain areas and for a certain amount of time)
  • Because meat quality grade and BMS are always judged by eye, the meat’s look does not necessarily correlate with its taste and softness.

At Whole Meat, we sell Omi Beef Wagyu, which is one of the best quality meats in Japan. Its grade is A4 or above.
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