
FAQ and wholesale customers
  • Can I request a specific date for my delivery?

    Yes, it is possible.You can select your desired delivery date before placing your order.

  • How long does it take for my order to arrive?

    If we receive your order until 14 o’clock, it will be shipped the same day. After 14 o’clock, we will ship it the next business day. If we receive your order on Friday evening, we will ship the next Monday if there is no public holiday. Shipping usually takes 1 to 3 business days, but this also depends on the conditions of the shipping company (there might be delays especially around New Year and Obon).

  • Which payment methods are available?

    You can pay by creditcard, cash on delivery (via Yamato) and bank transfer (prepayment). If you chose cash on delivery, an additional cash on delivery commission has to be paid.
    If you choose prepayment, your order will be placed after your payment was confirmed. Please acknowledge, that these orders will take some more time to arrive.

    Credit cards that can be used are the following cards

  • Do you ship to overseas?

    There are various regulations when transporting meat, depending on the destination country. So currently we are not offering shipping to overseas.

  • I need a receipt for my order. Can you issue it?

    Of course. Please contact us, after placing your order.

  • I have a claim or need to return my ordered product. What can I do?

    First of all, as soon as the item arrives, please confirm that it is the item and the amount that you ordered.We pay very close attention to quality, but if you feel that there is anything wrong with your order, please contact us within 2 days after delivery.
    E-mail address: info@wholemeat.jp

    Please note that we cannot accept returns, if the damage is self-imposed through wrong handling.

  • Do you have a store?

    No. We are an online business and do not have a walk-in store.

  • I am worried if my order is properly placed. Can you confirm it?

    Once we receive your order, we will send you an automatic order delivery email immediately. Also, we will send you an e-mail notifying you of the shipping date and the tracking number. If you did not receive those e-mails or if you have any other concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail or phone.

    Email: info@wholemeat.jp
    Telephone: 03-6416-3103 (9:30 – 17:00, except holidays such as Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, New Year’s holidays)


Wholesale Customers

If you own a business and your monthly purchase price exceeds 100,000 yen, or the amount of purchase at one time exceeds 40,000 yen, and this at least twice or more per month, you are welcome to apply as a wholesale customer. The annual fee for membership is 4,000 yen. We will then provide you a discount and offer other special services. For those who are interested, please contact us through the form below.